If you or a loved one who are residents of New York and have been injured in an automobile accident, should contact a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. Even if you have suffered only minor injuries, a personal injury lawyer will know what steps to take to ensure that you do not also suffer financially, as a result of being unable to work, in addition to the physical and possible emotional pain you might endure, as a result of the accident.
It is for this reason that we say that a lawyer becomes your second “best friend” after an car accident. Your first “best friend” of course being the medical personnel that will help you mend from your injuries.
Once you have gotten the immediate and required medical attention following an accident, and once you are well and strong enough to do so, you should begin the search for a good New York car accident lawyer who can take up your case and start the process of filing a claim either with the relevant insurance companies, or directly from the party responsible for the accident.
Knowing how ruthless insurance companies can often be, and knowing what lengths they often will go to ensure that they either do not pay any claim, or pay as little as they possibly can, the wisest thing you can do once you begin thinking of filing a claim, is to speak to a car accident or personal injury lawyer. A personal injury lawyer will be there with you through any recovery you need to go through, as well as handle any situations arising from dealing with the insurance companies.
Why You Should Consult a Personal Injury Lawyer.
The severity of your injuries might not always be very obvious at the scene of an accident, or sometimes, immediately after. Such that you might feel perfectly fine and might not see the immediate need for consulting with an attorney. Only proper medical intervention can give you a better overview of any potential issues that may have occurred internally. And even this medical consultation and any related tests are going to cost you money.
As the saying goes, it is better to be safe than to be sorry. So even if you don’t require any immediate treatment, what guarantees do you have that you will not require medical intervention in future, as a result of an accident that may have occurred months ago? Even worse if the accident causes a delayed injury that ultimately prevents you from being able to work again. This is yet another reason why it is a very good idea to consult with a personal injury lawyer following any kind of car accident, and once you are strong enough to do so. Even if only to discuss what options are open to you.
Once you and your lawyer have decided to file an injury claim with the defendants, some of the things that will be taken into consideration to determine exactly what this claim figure should be are things like:
- The severity of the accident and the severity of any injuries you may have sustained. I.e. Are they life threatening injuries, or did it lead to permanent disability? Or are they minor injuries?
- There is also the amount of time it will or may take to fully recover from your injuries.
- The amount of time spent in hospital, if any.
- The potential amount of time to be spent being unable to work and earn an income, as a result of the car accident and any sustained injuries.
- The cost or potential cost of all medical expenses incurred or likely to be incurred in the course of nursing you back to health.
- Any fees you are likely to pay your legal team.
- And a whole host of other considerations.
Once your lawyer presents a claim to the defendant in your car accident case, and if for whatever reason they reject your claim, the next logical step is to go to trial. Again this is not something that should be attempted alone.
When Should You Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer?
Most states have a statute of limitations for when you can file a claim after an automobile accident. You want to ensure your rights are protected as soon as possible against having to personally pay for someone else’s negligent driving behavior. If you don’t file a claim within a reasonable length of time, you will be forfeiting your right to seek compensation forever. So be sure to check your state’s laws for the specific timeline on filing civil or criminal cases.
So the answer to the above question is, as soon as possible.
You will also be required to file a police report or file a notice within a specific time. Your personal injury lawyer will guide you through all legal steps to ensure you are protected. Let your attorney take care of the paperwork while you focus on healing. Personal injury lawyers are experienced with whatever appropriate laws, rules and regulations concerning filing an injury claim.
Handling the Insurance Company
Your insurance company should be there for you to protect and compensate you for damages incurred in an accident. Sometimes however, their main focus is more on keeping their costs down rather than giving you the full compensation you deserve for any damages and injuries. Your idea of compensation and that of your insurance company may not be the same. Having a personal injury lawyer on your side to deal with the often frustrating job of communicating with the insurance company will save you a great deal of stress. A lawyer is probably your best friend when it comes to having your interest at heart with regards dealing with your insurance carrier.
Understanding Your Options
It is possible that if you file a claim for damages and it goes to trial, that you may not have to appear in court. Some cases are often settled out of court with the defendant or the insurance companies. Again, this is something that only an experienced attorney can do.However, before you accept any settlement, you should consult and seek the advice of your lawyer to make sure you are not jeopardizing your future and settling for far less that what is appropriate and fair for the damages and injuries caused you. Once an offer is accepted, you have given up your rights to make any future claims. Your attorney will help you decide if any offer given is in your best interests or if it is the best option available to you.
Seeking the advice of a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after an accident is critical to your future. Do not give up the best chance for recovery in which won’t have to be responsible for the cost of doing so.